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Grade 5/6 - Ms. Aulakh- Room 204

October 7, 2024

Welcome to Room 204 Grade 5/6!

My name is Ms. Aulakh, and I’m going to be your grade 5/6 teacher. It's going to be a fantastic year filled with fun and adventures. I can’t wait to teach you and learn from you. My favourite things about grade 5/6 are reading stations, math games and Fun Friday. We will read, write, make new friends, and go on field trips. I’m so excited to work with you this school year!

School and Classroom Expectations:

Pinkham students, staff and families follow our C.A.R.E. principles:

C - Come Prepared to LEARN

A - ACTIVELY Listening


E - Everybody BELONGS

Students who excel at demonstrating C.A.R.E. in school are recognized and awarded certificates during school assemblies.

Subject Areas:

Indigenous Ways of Knowing will be integrated using traditional stories and oral histories. These stories will be used to teach lessons about the natural world, history, and cultural values.

Math: There are four areas in Grade 5/6 math: the Number strand, the Patterns and Relationships strand, the Shape and Space strand and the Statistics and Probability strand. Grade 5/6 students will learn to show and describe numbers in diverse ways. They will use mental math, estimation, and personal strategies to solve problems with whole numbers and decimals. They will find ways to solve problems involving numbers, patterns, and data collection. They will make connections between shapes and numbers and their everyday lives, such as writing the value of money using a decimal point. Students will investigate the likelihood of something happening as they learn about probability.

English Language Arts: Students will use language to investigate topics, issues, and questions based on their interests and life experiences, literature, and other curriculum areas. They will use words, pictures, and their own experiences to understand various kinds of texts such as art, books, objects, websites, the land, and oral stories. They will talk with others to develop ideas and use many strategies to think about and understand what they read, hear, and view. Students will learn to create presentations that are clear and interesting for their listeners, readers, and viewers. They will identify what they do well and areas they need to work on, and they set personal goals for learning.

Social Studies: Students will explore the responsibilities of Canadian citizens and levels of government as well as develop an understanding of personal, cultural, and national identities and how they contribute to Canadian heritage.

Science: Students will be engaged a in scientific inquiry and design activities simultaneously use knowledge, skills, and attitudes, which deepens their understanding of concepts and provides exposure to the many approaches that are used in science and technology. Health: Second Step will used to help students build social-emotional skills—like nurturing positive relationships, managing emotions, and meeting goals—so they can thrive in school and in life.

Seesaw will be used throughout the year for students to share their work and encourage individual reflection and peer feedback.

Questions/Concerns If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s progress in school throughout any point in the year, I can be reached during the school day at (204)-786-5749 or by email at We welcome parent volunteers for field trips, or any special events. If you are interested in volunteering, please let me know.

Ms. Aulakh

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