School Community Reports
January 30, 2025
- Andrew Mynarski
- Argyle
- Brock Corydon
- Carpathia
- Champlain
- Children of the Earth
- Churchill
- Clifton
- Daniel McIntyre
- David Livingstone
- Dufferin
- Earl Grey
- Elmwood
- Faraday
- Fort Rouge
- Garden Grove
- General Wolfe
- George V
- Gladstone
- Glenelm
- Gordon Bell
- Grant Park
- Greenway
- Grosvenor
- Harrow
- Hugh John Macdonald
- Inkster
- Isaac Brock
- Isaac Newton
- J. B. Mitchell
- John M. King
- Keewatin Prairie
- Kelvin
- Kent Road
- King Edward
- Lansdowne
- Laura Secord
- LaVérendrye
- Lord Nelson
- Lord Roberts
- Lord Selkirk
- Luxton
- Machray
- Meadows West
- Montrose
- Mulvey
- Niji Mahkwa
- Norquay
- Pinkham
- Prairie Rose
- Principal Sparling
- Queenston
- R.B. Russell
- Ralph Brown
- River Elm
- River Heights
- Riverview
- Robert H Smith
- Robertson
- Rockwood
- Sacré-Coeur
- Sargent Park
- Shaughnessy Park
- Sir William Osler
- Sisler
- Sister MacNamara
- St. John's
- Stanley Knowles
- Strathcona
- Tec Voc
- Tyndall Park
- Victoria-Albert
- Waterford Springs
- Wellington
- Weston
- William Whyte
- Winnipeg Adult Education Centre
- Wolseley