Cold Weather Reminders
July 19, 2022
Students Arrival At School
When the cold weather has truly arrived, we remind parents, guardians and students that they should arrive at school NO EARLIER than 8:50 am and 12:35 pm.
Students arriving before the above times will have to wait outside in the cold weather.
Indoor Recess Policy
During the winter months, the wind chill is checked before morning recess, lunch time and afternoon recess.
Students are expected to dress appropriately for the weather at all times. As per WSD policy, students will be kept indoors only on inclement days when the wind chill reaches –27° Celsius.
At times, parents and guardians have requested by a note to the classroom teacher or a phone call to the school, to have their child remain indoors at recess time. It is our school’s belief that if a students is too sick to go outdoors at recess, then he or she is too sick to be at school.
We would ask parents and guardians to send children to school only when they are well enough to participate in all activities, including recess.
Emergency School Closing
In the event of an emergency school closing, our first concern is the safety of our students. The decision to close the school is made by the Chief Superintendent and media outlets will be contacted to ask that they broadcast and/or post school cancellation information.
Parents and guardians should instruct their children where they are to go in the case of an emergency closure. (Either home if a parent/guardian is available or to an alternate address the parents have arranged.) Children need to be reminded of this procedure regularly.
In case our school needs to be evacuated on short notice, an alternate shelter is required. Tyndall Park School will serve as our alternate shelter. The school is located at 2221 King Edward Street and their phone number is 204 633-0065.
It is our sincere hope that a threatening emergency will never occur. However, instructing your children as to your expectations will assist in ensuring their health and safety under emergency conditions.
School Bus Cancellation
During the school year there may be times when school bus transportation is cancelled due to inclement weather or poor driving conditions, but schools will remain open.
School bus transportation for all school divisions in the City of Winnipeg is cancelled when the wind chill reaches -45° Celsius by 6:15 a.m. based on the Environment Canada readings at the Winnipeg Airport. The temperature readings can be found at the Environment Canada website (
The following media outlets are contact in the early morning to ask that they broadcast and/or post the information:
89.3 CBC FM; 990 CBC AM; CKSB 89.9 FM (French); CJOB-680 AM; Power 97-FM; 1290 CFRW; 99.9 BOB-FM; Q94-FM; 92 CITI FM; 102.3 CLEAR FM; CKMM Hot 103; QX 04 FM; CTV News; City TV; Winnipeg Free Press Website.
Please note: Some media outlets will broadcast and post the information to their websites.
Parents/Guardians can also phone the Transportation Department at 204-775-0231 extension 224 or 204-789-0409/204-789-0421 for information.
Severe weather conditions and poor roads may extend the running time of some buses, resulting in late arrival and departure.
Parents/Guardians should make sure that children are suitably clothed until picked up and that they have a place to go in the event the bus does not arrive or is late. Parents/Guardians must also ensure that children have a place to go after the return trip.
Please remember than when bus transportation is cancelled in the morning, it will NOT resume later in the day even if weather conditions improve.