General Wolfe Lunch Program
January 20, 2025
Breakfast Program:
- Students will receive breakfast in the morning
- Free for all students
Lunch Program: *Permission Form Needed* (Can be picked up in the office)
- Students will eat in the designated room for each grade from 12:00 pm-12:30 pm and will be supervised outside the school field from 12:30-1:00pm
- Students can pick up lunch from the “Nook” menu on a daily basis
- Free for all students
- A microwave will be available for students who bring their own lunch
- Respect all students and staff
- Clean up area and sanitize/wash hands before leaving the room
- Ensure Lunch Program is enjoyable and safe for everyone
- Students not following expectations will receive a warning and parent/guardian will be contacted
- Students with repetitive disrespectful behaviour will lose lunch program privileges