Parent Council
January 16, 2025
Please view our Information and Correspondence Page to stay up to date with information that is being emailed to parents/guardians.
If you have not been getting email updates from our school office, please email with: your child(ren)'s FIRST and LAST name, YOUR first and last name and we will ensure we have your email on file for future communications.
Parent Council Meeting Minutes are found at the bottom of this page.
What is a Parent Council you may ask?
The AMVC Parent Council works to develop and strengthen ties amongst the school, homes and community.
Our vision statement reads, "We will work together to fulfill the educational potential of our children with continual communication and commitment amongst staff, parents and community."
The mission of the Andrew Mynarski VC Parents association is to serve as an avenue of communication and cooperation among parents, administration and faculty; to build and foster the spirit of the community; to assist in the implementation of school activities.
The mission is achieved by the following means:
- Encouraging and facilitating parent volunteering;
- Fostering healthy relationships within the school and the community;
- Raising funds in order to provide academic enrichment, capital improvements and supplies for the students.
As a parent of a student at Andrew Mynarski VC Junior High, you, as a member of the parent council, would have a role and a responsibility in participating at monthly meetings to share your thoughts, ask questions and make inquiries as well as participate in conversations around the operational and instructional practices at Andrew Mynarski VC Parent Council.
We need your help and active participation at our monthly meetings as well as your involvement in supporting the various activities and events that the Parent Council coordinates and promotes to improve teaching and learning at Andrew Mynarski VC Parent Council.
Andrew Mynarski VC Junior High Parent Council
PAC Meeting Minutes: