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Positive Behaviour Interventions and Supports

July 21, 2022

Did you know Isaac Brock is now a PBIS School?

What is School-wide PBIS?

One of the foremost advances in school wide discipline is the emphasis on school wide systems of support that include proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviours to create positive school environments. Instead of using a piecemeal approach of individual behavioural management plans, a continuum of positive behaviour support for all students within a school is implemented in areas including the classroom and non-classroom settings (such as hallways, buses, and restrooms).

Why is it so important to focus on teaching positive social behaviours? 

Frequently, the question is asked, "Why should I have to teach kids to be good? They already know what they are supposed to do. Why can I not just expect good behaviour?" In the infamous words of a TV personality, "How is that working out for you?"

In the past, school wide discipline has focused mainly on reacting to specific student misbehaviour by implementing punishment-based strategies including reprimands, loss of privileges, office referrals, suspensions, and expulsions. Research has shown that the implementation of punishment, especially when it is used inconsistently and in the absence of other positive strategies, is ineffective. Introducing, modeling, and reinforcing positive social behaviour is an important step of a student's educational experience. Teaching       behavioural expectations and rewarding students for following them is a much more positive approach than waiting for misbehaviour to occur before responding. The purpose of school wide PBIS is to establish a climate in which appropriate behaviour is the norm.

School Expectations Be RespectfulBe Responsible Be Safe 

· Respect privacy of others

· Put toilet paper in the toilet

· Flush

· Take care of school property

· Sign out

· Keep washrooms clean

· Use closest washroom

· Report problems to an adult

· Return to class promptly


· Wash hands

· Keep hands and feet to  yourself


· Use your quiet voice and only when needed

· Be patient and polite

· Hold the door for others

· Keep stairways clean

· Report problems to an adult

· Use assigned stairway

· Stay to the right

· Walk single file at all times

· Walk one stair at a time

· Keep hands and feet to yourself


· Use appropriate language

· Respect on-going learning

· Respect property

· Use your quiet voice and only when needed

· Listen to adults the first time

· Keep hallways clean

· Report problems to an adult

· Keep personal devices out of sight including ear buds


· Walk at all times

· Allow others to pass

· Stay to the right

· Walk single file at all times

· Walk facing forward

· Keep hands and feet to yourself



· Use appropriate language 

· Use designated door

· Open doors for others

· Use your quiet voice and only when needed

· Listen to adult direction the first time

· Remove hats; toques; hoodies

· Arrive to school on time

· When the bell rings, line up in your designated area

· Keep entrance/exits clear

· Enter single file

· Keep hands and feet to yourself

· Walk at all times

· Walk facing forward

· Keep stairs clear



· Share and take turns

· Use appropriate language

· Listen to adults the first time

· Respect students' space

· Use equipment appropriately

· Play fair

· Solve problems positively

· Report problems to adults

· Return equipment to recess    leaders

· Line up promptly in designated spot when the bell rings


· Keep hands and feet to yourself

· Be aware of your surroundings

· Wheel transportation to be parked and/or carried upon      entering school property

· Once you are in line all play stops


· Wait your turn to use microwave

· Listen to adults the first time

· Respect others food choices

· Use quiet voices and use           appropriate language

· Invite others to sit with you

· Remain at your seat while eating

· Remain in the lunchroom until dismissed

· Clean up after yourself

· Put your garbage/recycling/compost in appropriate bins

· Use supplies appropriately


· Keep your food to yourself

· Be mindful of food allergies

· Keep your hands and feet to yourself

· Walk at all times

Change rooms

· Respect privacy

· Respect self and others

· Respect personal property

· Listen to adults the first time

· Use appropriate language

· Use quiet voices


· Keep change rooms clean

· Change quickly

· Keep personal items organized and in one location

· Keep your hands and feet to yourself

· Benches are for sitting

· Walk at all times

Computer Labs/Library**

· Keep food and drink out of the lab/library

· Use equipment correctly

· Leave computers and area as you found them

· Use appropriate volume level (personal and computer)

· Use internet appropriately

· Ask for permission to print

· Bring all required materials with you

· Sit in assigned seat

· Report any problems to an adult

· Return materials to appropriate spot


· Keep hands and feet to yourself

· Respect privacy and passwords of others


· Enter quietly

· State your purpose politely

· Wait patiently and quietly

· Use manners (please, thank you)

· Listen to adults the first time

· Use appropriate language

· Respect privacy and belongings of others

· Wait to be addressed

· Sign-in and out as needed

· Return to class promptly

· Remain in outer office

· Turn off and put away personal devices including ear buds

· Bring phone slip signed by    teacher to use the phone


· Sit appropriately

· Keep hands and feet to yourself


· Greet the bus driver respectfully

· Use quiet voices and appropriate language

· Listen to adults the first time

· Walk to and from the bus with the adult 


· State your name clearly when getting on and off the bus

· Remain seated and face forward

· Use railing when entering/exiting the bus


· Listen responsibly

· Applaud appropriately

· Sit quietly

· Respect personal space of others

· Enter and exit gym quietly 

· Sit in assigned area

· Focus on presentation

· Sit appropriately

· Exit the gym with your teacher

· Remain seated

· Keep hands and feet to yourself

· Wait for dismissal instructions

Lockers (JH)

· Share space with others

· Use appropriate language

· Use your quiet voice and only when needed

· Gather all materials for AM/PM classes

· Gather/put away materials in a timely manner

· Use your own locker for your own belongings

· Open and close doors gently

· Keep hands and feet to self

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