FNMI Studies
June 20, 2022
Social Studies - Grade 12
Current Topics in First Nations, Metis and Inuit Studies
Social Studies examine human societies and the complex interactions of human beings living together in a shared world. The intent of this course is to examine Indigenous realities within contemporary and historic Canadian and global settings, and to enable all students to participate meaningfully as citizens.
The course will involve the use of Enduring Understandings to better comprehend the Clusters and specific learning experiences.
Cluster1: Image and Identity
You will begin to explore the contemporary Indigenous issues, their roots in the colonialist history of Canada, and their significance to all Canadians.
Cluster 2: A Profound Ambivalence: FNMI Relations with Government
You will examine the historic and contemporary relationship between Canadian (provincial and territorial) governments and Indigenous peoples. You will further examine how the relationship has changed over time.
Cluster 3:Toward a Just Society
You will examine historical and contemporary features of social justice and Indigenous Peoples in the areas of education, health, justice, and economics. You will explore the historic roots of issues in each these areas and explore their contemporary manifestations.
Cluster 4:Indigenous Peoples and the World
You will explore the histories and contemporary realities of Indigenous peoples and cultures beyond Canada. You will explore the commonalities shared by FNMI worldwide. You will examine the effects of colonization on Indigenous populations as well as the efforts to meet the challenges imposed by colonization
Cluster 5: A Festival of Learning
You will work independently to create a project focusing on a theme relevant to contemporary Indigenous cultures. Please speak to your teacher regarding this project. It will require prior approval before you start!
Your overall mark will be calculated as follows:
Daily work and assignments 75%
Projects 25%